Sunday, 10 January 2010

Research into Project Proposal

Bourriaud, Nicolas (2002) 'Relational Aesthetics' France:Les Presses du reel.

Questions asked:
"How are these apparently elusive works to be decoded, be they process-related or behavioural by ceasing to take shelter behind the sixties art history." (pg.7 introduction)

"Vanessa Beecroft dresses some twenty women in the same way, complete with a red wig, and the visitor merely gets a glimpse of them through the doorway." (pg.8)

Is it sculpture? Is it installation? A performance? Social Activism? (questions asked in relation to Rirkrit Tiravanija's work produced for Aperto 93.

Fluxus : described as intermedia

How to occupy a gallery?
"relational" artists

Issues outlined in 'performance works'

Felix Gonzalez-Torres 'Untitled (Blue Mirror)' Endless posters that can be taken away by the visiting public.

Research into Project Proposal

Editor Ferguson,Russell (1998) 'Out of Actions: between performance and the object, 1949-1979'
Great Britain :Thames and Hudson

Paul Schimmel ' Leap into the Void: Performance and the Object'

"Actions performed with the goal of producing objects gave rise to the execution of performative actions whose primary goal was the process of creation rather then the production of objects, which gave rise to the creation of performances that often involved audience participation."

(Spatial concepts)

Research into Project Proposal

Edited by. Donna De Salvo (2005) 'Open Systems: Rethinking Art c.1970' London:Tate Publishing

"...there is something especially intriguing about the late 1960s and early 1970s. Perhaps the impulse to revisit this period is one of nostalgia for its artistic innovations and redefinition of the art object." (De Salvo 2005:11)

"Building upon the structures and systems of Fluxus, Neo-concretism, Minimalism and Conceptualism, all of the artists included here are linked by their use of a generative or repetitive system as a way of redefining the work of art, the self and the nature of representation,"
(De Salvo 2005:11)

(Period of opening up the object to the world)

- Sol LeWitt 'Buried Cube'

"Were LeWitt's concerns close to Smithson's own exploration of 'site' and 'non-site'? Maybe we should see the work as a performance, as the act of burial itself, in which case it is not its location that counts so much as its duration." (pg.28)

Joseph Kosuth : Chair works "But a piece of text is still an image" (Boris Groys, pg.56)

"Art documentation is by definition not art. It merely refers to art..." (Groys, pg.56)

-John Baldessari 'Trying to Photograph a Ball so it that it is in the centre of the Picture'
-Richard Long ' A Line made by Walking'
-Martha Rosler