Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Studio set up

Visualising what the final outcome would potentially be.

Taking 3 works from an archive of potential works, looking to the 'one-offness' and 'objectness' of these works, the polaroid being a unique image, it is an object in terms of its tangibility and ability no to be reproduced. The Super 8 film also represents the the idea of being a one-off, it could be re-filmed on 16mm to make it able to be looped but I felt this was removing an important part of the work, and if parts of the film get damaged within the showing this is just part of the work and the film can be spliced/reformed and documented this becoming a new part of the work, a document of what has been.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Little. Wenham Church

Church is used only once a year. These photographs were taken using Bronica etrsi Medium format camera, using Kodak Portra 160VC 120 Film.

Gt. Wenham Church

Taken using Bronica etrsi Medium Format Camera using Kodak Portra 160VC 120 Film.


These images depict a brief glimpse of the room I stayed in for a couple of nights in mid-August 2010 in Little Wenham staying with the Langtons. I got attracted by the morning light and how it fell on the furniture in the room. I also continue to be fascinated by the idea of the trace of something in this instance the slept in bed and the removal of the self from this image. These photographs were taken using a Bronica etrsi Medium format camera, using Kodak Portra 160VC 120 Film.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Other Texts...

American WWII Airfield location

Old Maps

Countrylife Magazine article about Little Wenham Hall (2000)

Texts about Little Wenham Hall and Little Wenham Church



* (Rubbings I made of the Brass relief situated on the floor of the church; 'The brass of Thomas [d.1514] and Jane Brewse')

** (The Churches Conservation Guide Pocket Book)


A short interview/questionnaire to Mrs Langton a local to the area (and someone who I have been corresponding with and stayed with mid August), just enquiring into the name of Wenham and the local area itself. I wrote the initial questions using a typewriter and receiving a handwritten response seems much more personal.

Polaroids of Little Wenham

Quick line sketches of a cow in a field.

The Little / Great Wenham mapped area sketched from memory. I find the idea of relying more on my memory of the place more intriguing then the actual documentation of the place, well in a way it is more my way of determining what I have taken away from the place, my own way of mapping the area. This could be an area I work with or return to.
Already can see a few inaccuracies with this map, you can get to Little Wenham church through the road the pub is on not as depicted in this drawing.