Wednesday, 17 September 2008


First week back at university (3rd Yr) and thinking of ideas for one week project, moving away from the research/sketchbook. I had the idea of burying unexposed film in the garden, trying to make sure the film wasn't exposed to light (ISO 200) so it isn't too light sensitive. Although this idea runs the risk of fogging the film, I'm more interested into how the earth would affect the film once it goes through the developing process; obviously I can't put the dirty negative through the developing machine without causing problems so I'm contemplating developing through the B+W process instead of c41 colour processing. This is experimental...the film was buried in a black bin liner at 21:40pm on Monday and dug up at 21:40pm the following day on Tuesday as to giving this idea some form of structure.

-Stan Brakhage (Moth light) this film relates to my idea of the surface of the film and how through processing something interesting can occur.

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