Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Sound / Video project cont...

The super 8 onto DVD, is something that perhaps needs more time to explore and not that suitable for the short project with the deadline being next, I had originally wanted explore the concept of analogue to digital and vice versa, filming the DVD sequence back onto super 8.

Other projects I had begun to explore is a sound piece based on drawings and sketches, I wanted to create a catalogue of sound based on my drawings, so for example '1 minute drawing', would be a sound piece recording the sound of the pencil on paper for the whole minute, therefore keeping some form of structure to the work.

I shall move forward with this idea I need something to link it though? How can it be presented? Also pro-tools software would most likely need to be used to enhance the pencil noises as at the moment they are quite minimal. What do my drawings need to be off? Images relating to sound? Therefore microphone/stereo/speaker/headphones/walkman, etc. Something that links in with the sound aspect...also I need to think about whether the drawing is something that is going to become part of the final piece, or is this something to be withheld from the viewer and allow the sound to become quite abstract?

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