Thursday, 3 December 2009

Essay tutorial | Structuring

Relating to the work I am producing at the moment;

1) Layers, trace of film / film as object / tangible quality of analogue over digital
2) Analogue to Digital, etc (The 'Real' / Lossless quality)
3) Evidence of others in the film, original filmmakers?
4) Different technologies used to view films

Interested in the making, the process. The immediate experience created by film. Looking at artists' practice or a particular art piece. Having a dialogue with a theorist.

Baudrillard? - The 'simulcra' and 'hyperreal'??

I would like to introduce the work of Stan Brakhage whose work relates to the surface of the film itself, etc.

- Powerhub filmmakers (Guy Sherwin, etc)
- Rosalind Krauss 'A voyage on the condition'
- Nicky Hamlyn 'Film Art Phenomena'
- Malcolm Le Grice

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