Monday, 6 September 2010

Little Wenham Church (I visited Suffolk 17-19th August)

These are my own photographs but more information about the history of the church can be found at this website; and;

"All Saints, Little Wenham

Approached along a winding track from the Queen’s Head, the church stands on a knoll by a farmyard. Apart from the later tower with a Tudor brick top and 15th century porch, the unspoilt fabric of flint walls and tiled roofs is 13th century. Important wall paintings with figures and arcading from about 1310 are on the east wall inside, as well as an image of St Christopher opposite the south door. There is a series of Brewse memorials and good woodwork from various periods. A fascinating church in a romantic setting."

I was accompanied to this church by Mrs. Langton who has been kind enough to be my guide to the area that day and was able to get the key to the church, there had apparently been a few other Wenhams visiting the previous day who had also wanted to see inside the church.

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