Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Studio Practice Tutorial

Looking at objects in relation to audio and looking at the scale of the work (audio to be added later), so the top 2 images relate to scale in that the polaroid is of a certain scale and size, quite small and intricate inviting the viewer to lean in and view it, the audio could be on a loudspeaker operating on a timer (this is to be worked on), the image could be placed on a large white walled space and with no indication of the audio until further on the dialogue is played and the viewer is reminded of what they perhaps considered to be an unimportant image, this then links it with the idea of time and memory.

-Reference of sound with the object (How do I sustain this?)

-Creating a wide range of mini projects as opposed to one final piece, I imagine a room somewhat with my work as a kind of collection as the viewer can negotiate and travel around it, choosing which work to look at. (Looking to staging in a room later on in the process)

-Mini bus trip to Little Wenham? Taking objects back there? Putting on an exhibition there?

The third photograph is of an object purchased in the local area, I want the object to remain anonymous and as bought, the vender wrapped the purchase in the brown paper, which now holds the object, my desire is to go back at certain points of the week and purchase items which I hope will wrapped in the same manner and display these objects as 'found' items in a curiosity cabinet kind of way (Perhaps looking into doing this for the Hazlitt theatre?) These objects purchased has audio to go alongside it.

-Work on audio
-Reshoot a video piece in various ways

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