-What is the difference between spectator/viewer/audience? Is there one?
-Am I interested in the spectator? and/or produce work for the audience?
-Difference between engaged and looking?
-To what extent is my work inclusive?
-If people that are aware of the work I am trying to do and produce participate in the process are they merely actors or the audience? How do I distinguish this? Are the participants? Explore and explain.
Geography and collecting data of the area/ in perhaps linking to the idea of Actor Network Theory a future idea can be looking at the act of diagraming, in semiotic terms seeing how everything relates to one another and therefore creating this vast diagram of ideas and links and seeing the process and layers involved in what at first is seen as a small part.
-Places to visit of interest in the area, where and what do I want to visit that can be classed as important to the town and its history (i.e a river/stream that was the purpose any settlements where made in this area in the first place)
-What activities are going on? (local plays/ village hall meetings/what times the shops are open--> can this then be negotiated to open on different occasions to hold special arts events) I shall make sure i remain subjective, by this I mean is this a whole village event or merely a part of it and when it comes to documentation what do I look for?
-Stay in the area (linking back to my work in the 3rd year, to emerse myself more in the areas by staying in cheap B&B's and hotels, talk to the local guesthouse owners about the area, local knowledge etc),
-Camp there set up a tent??
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